The Emotional Baggage I've Packed and Carried: Greece Addition

  What's in My Suitcase: Greece

      In March I fly to Greece, uplifted by the air of possibility the plane soars into my destiny, landing in the epicenter of my opportunities. This trip excites me, this adventure dances in my dreams and expands into my waking day, I think about it constantly.

I think about how the sun will hit my body after I've traveled 5,000 miles. How the moon will shine on me standing next to its stars. I wonder what It'll feel like to wake up in the sunlight of Greece's empire. To bask in the warmth of Europe and swaddle myself in its temporary title of home.

Greece will only be my home for 9 days, but I plan on taking this country with me. To stuff memories into my mind like the souvenirs in my backpack, I'll carry them forever.

  I imagine that not a day will go by without me feeling the weight of carried gratitude stapled to my back. I've packed my appreciation nestled comfortably next to my excitement; but I can't pretend that anxiety hasn't found its way into my suitcase.

I don't wish to carry it, but its presence lingers in the pockets of my belongings. It reveals itself, occasionally placing its hand around my heart as I sleep. Speaking Ill will into my ear as I slumber, Manifesting itself into the fabric and imagery of my nightmares. The demon's name is "What If"....

-What if - I get lost.

-What if- I get hurt,




What if I want to turn back?

    This demon has become such a reoccurring pest that I've had to cultivate and craft his poison. I call her optimism,

her last name being the law of assumption.

She sings sweet melodies to the sly demon and forces his wretched song to distort out of tune. Her song is love, her song is confidence, and an ability to understand that the greatest things exist on the other side of fear. I am eternally grateful for her presence, and instead of shoving her in my suitcase I have blessed space for her to grace my heart. When my trip is over, I yearn for her eternal existence to flow through every part and piece of me.

I know it will for it is written in the lyrics of her soothing song.


  1. You are truly a wordsmith! I hope Greece is as amazing as you hope it to be!

  2. I love your writing style.. it’s very creative. Looking forward to experiencing your journey and traveling with you in my mind through your pen 🤣

  3. That's good baggage


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