The Hippie’s Morning Routine: Guide to a High Vibrational Morning

 The Hippie’s Morning Routine: Guide to a High Vibrational Morning

Step 1: Wake slowly

So often in life we rush, we scramble, we struggle; the morning does not have to be subject to the same fate. Wake slowly, wake purposefully; When you notice the sunlight coxing you out of your blissful sleep, simply take a moment. Take a moment to feel the sun soothe your cheek. Allow yourself to relish in the warm comfort of silk and shiny blankets. Connect with your body and prolong the rejoiced morning stretch and yawn. 

Do so consciously, steadily, slowly. 

  • When we wake up with anxiety the haze causes us to trip, we fall into the bathroom to hastily brush our teeth. We crash into the kitchen to prepare the same mundane meal we ate yesterday. We quickly force food into our mouths that we never truly wanted. We run into work and even faster run away from its obstacles. We are out of control. 

  • Then we sprint to the car, drive 15 miles over the speed limit to make it home, and collapse into bed. Finally, we open our eyes and realize we are standing before the doomful reality that this is our eternity…. We call this routine life. This is not a morning routine, nor a night routine, this is a race towards death.

  • So where are you going? When you jump out of bed and instinctively reach for your phone, what are you actually doing? When you scramble your eggs at the speed of light, why even cook them? Why does the entirety of humanity neglect that life should be slow and celebrated. We should not beat slowness into speedup conversion. We should savor the time it takes to cook for it might be our last, we should linger in the bed until our mind is calm and our body is ready. We disrespect ourselves every time we abuse time itself. We take it for granted by assuming more will come, we assume we can rush to work because we'll make up for it later. What happens when there is no later? What happens when- while going 15 miles over the speed limit you are struck. Your car is totaled, you perish, you assumed you had all the time in the world, now you are left with none.

Live slowly or life will force you to stop.

Step 2: Set Intentions

What do you want to happen today?

  • Speak on it, feel it, set it into action, relish in the gratitude….and in that order!

When you wake up, imagine your perfect day, imagine a day devoid of flaws; figure out the steps that you need to make this dream a reality and complete them. 

I will provide an example (How I do it (POV))-

My eyes flutter open, seemingly against gravity- for they want to close. They want the comfort of enclosed darkness, the peace that comes with shut eyelids. I open them anyway, light comes in on my command, because I know that there will be joy in what I see. I allow myself to wake because there's beauty in every moment and there is art lying in front of me. The landscape of my room, the brush strokes of my walls, the colors and vibrance of my posters and wall lights.

 I seek beauty so I see beauty.

I see beauty so I seek beauty.

  • I set my intentions…. “Show me joy, laughter, and love”, I imagine my friends creating and crafting stories that bring me to my knees laughing. I imagine what It will feel like for my stomach to clench in delight. Riddled by the pleasant burden of continuous laughing. I welcome this burden and only chuckle harder. The imagery becomes so real I hear the laugh aloud, realizing it belongs to me and my present moment. I giggle to myself and realize that the day will be spectacular simply because I wish it so. 

Step 3: Meditation

  • Meditation is mandatory, when I tell myself that I do not have the time to meditate during a specific morning… My day reflects the internal chaos I neglected to sort. Meditation, good meditation will reflect itself into your habits and daily events. If you want a burdenless, peaceful, calm day, then meditate. If you want a day ruled by the almighty king, your subconscious, then don't meditate and see where that gets you. I am slowly but surely teaching myself that meditation is a non-negotiable part of my day. An integral part of how I choose to wake up and my morning routine. 

  • When I meditate in the morning, I meditate on the intentions I’ve set, after I feel fulfilled with that I go on YouTube. YouTube is an amazing source for guided meditation, whatever I want to meditate on next… I search on YouTube. My personal favorite is “Happiness Hypnosis” and “Silva Method Meditation”

  • After the meditation is over, I come into my body through song and dance. I blast whatever music ignites my soul and allow my body to express itself. It is a known fact that trauma is stored in the body- with physical movement being its favorite release. I imagine negative energy fleeing my body as I jump and move. The songs energize me and further set the tone for a productive day. 

The last thing I need to do is walk out the door.

I walk with the armor and protection of my Intentions and clarity. 

I walk with the peace of my meditation.

I walk with the gratitude of my past, present, and future.

I walk with Spiritual Joy. 





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