Until Next Time

 As my time in Greece draws to a close,

I find myself lost in a reverie of the past.

Memories of vineyards and farms,

Whispers of the ocean's gentle waves.

My last day was spent at a winery,

Where time matured in barrels and aged in bottles.

Maya was there, in awe of the boujee surroundings,

And Maria gifted me a book, a treasure to hold close.

As I write this, I sit on the lawn of Drexel University,

Surrounded by the sounds of construction and chatter.

It's a far cry from the quietness of the birds and ocean,

A reminder of the importance of presence, of being present.

Presence, the Greek word is παρουσία (parousia),

And in Latin, it is praesentia.

Sand, ocean, and construction,

Άμμος, θάλασσα, και κατασκευή,

Harena, mare, et structura.

My time in Greece has taught me to be present,

To savor the moments and hold them close.

As the sun and warmth of Greece fade into memory,

I am grateful for the presence that remains with me.

Στο τέλος του ταξιδιού μου στην Ελλάδα,

Βρίσκομαι χαμένος στη νοσταλγία του παρελθόντος.

Αναμνήσεις από αμπελώνες και αγρούς,

Ψιθυρίσματα των απαλών κυμάτων του ωκεανού.

Η τελευταία μου ημέρα περάστηκε σε ένα αμπελουργείο,

Όπου ο χρόνος ωριμάζει στα βαρέλια και γερνάει στα μπουκάλια.

Η Μάγια ήταν εκεί, εντυπωσιασμένη από το περιβάλλον,

Και η Μαρία μου χάρισε ένα βιβλίο, ένα θησαυρό να κρατήσω κοντά μου.

I am the sand, and I am the ocean

The ebb and flow of life, in constant motion

I have seen many come and go, like waves upon my shore

Their footprints fleeting, but their memories forevermore

I have felt the warmth of the sun, and the coolness of the breeze

I have witnessed the birth of life, and the return to the seas

I am a part of this great earth, this world of wonder and awe

And I stand here, eternal, watching as time slips by, so raw

The memories of those who visit me, they stay with me always

The laughter, the joy, the tears, the pain, all their ways

And though they must leave, they leave a piece of themselves behind

A piece that remains with me, in my depths, in my mind

So when you think of Greece, think of the sand and the ocean too

For we are a part of her, a part of the beauty, so true

And though we may seem small, we hold within us a great power

A power to inspire, to move, to evoke, to flower

So let the sand be your guide, and the ocean your muse

Let them take you on a journey, one that you cannot refuse

For they will show you the way, they will lead you to the light

And when you return, you will be forever changed, so bright.

Sand - Άμμος - Arena

Ocean - Ωκεανός - Oceanus

Construction - Κατασκευή - Structura
