Spiritual Self-Love and Beauty

Spiritual Self-Love and Beauty

Whenever I'm looking in the mirror, after a short while I tend to find some imaginary imperfection on my face. This forced practice in acceptance aids me in learning to love every piece of myself. It also encourages me to view myself as whole, I may not like a specific part but what about the beauty of the other halves, what about the beauty of the larger whole.

These fleeting moments teach me that I cannot change my face in the same way that you cannot change your fate meaning that its divine, that I am divine. I trust that the universe crafted my face, made it a beautiful and perfect magnet for the life that I desire.

I imagine that my specific smile was meant to be found attractive by specific people. That my thick eyebrows would attract everyone it needed and repel the others. See we know little about this universe, and so why is it absurd to think that my very face is the manifestation of my manifestations. That my face was created as a tool, a tool to attract and provide for me what my soul actually needs.

My mother's long Locs and brown skin were meant to be striking and captivating to my father, because my father's captivation and appreciation of her beauty led to the birth of mine.

     This face was meant for me, meant for blessings that I can't even begin to imagine and fantasize. I was meant to walk through life with this exact face and this exact body. Every piece and part having its own story, identity, ideas, memories and dreams marked and etched onto my tailored skin.

I was not meant to be anyone else; this face was chosen because she is loved. My face is to be loved. This face is so loved that it’ll be kissed and caressed by someone else who sees its beauty. So loved that it’ll replicate itself onto someone else’s face who I will call my daughter, who I will call my son. Then pieces and traces of the face and fate that were always divine - will sprinkle and spread, kissing and caressing everyone who is blessed by its descent.

     I could take the credit, say that they were blessed because of me, that I gave them the gift to see my reflection in their mirror. But that would be a lie, a part of the whole truth, a part just like that in which I inherited from the divine face before me. And if we continue to go back and bless the face before that, and grace the mask before theirs, and appreciate the sculpture of the one who wore it first.

We realize we’re one, we realize that we are all beautiful, we realize that the same source that sparked and created the universe, is the same source that sprinkled freckles across your nose. That your eyes wouldn’t smile and wrinkle if the universe didn’t come to be.

So, at the end of the day, when you look in the mirror, just know that what you're looking at is more than just a face, more than pigment, lips and teeth. But a reflection of the hard work and energy that an entire universe used to create you.

You should not dare disrespect the universal creation that you are, for if you can disrespect who you are, you disrespect the entirety of what it took to make you; The entirety of the universe and its divine plan for me and you. 


The person reading this needs to know that.


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