Her life is Magical, and she loves it that way: An Etsy Shadow Work Journal Review- MelodiesAbroad

 Her life is Magical and she loves it that way: An Etsy Shadow Work Journal Review 

ThornAndSage - Etsy Canada

By: Melody Russell

If you desire to escort your shadow to its timely execution, then I sincerely recommend Thorn and Sage Shadow Work Journal. Our shadow is simply the box you refuse to open, the grotesque monster lying awake under your bed. This dense entity follows us whether or not we have the confidence to brave its familiar silhouette. 

It hunts those in denial and prays on the avoidant. The lingering darkness mirrors and mimics our bodies until we realize we are what we fear. The shadow is not the greatest imitation but rather the original copy. It exists as an unedited document of our regrets and deepest sorrows. 

We all have shadows, trauma, secrets, and burdens. Our shadow is what we deny to be an aspect of our identity, things that we are embarrassed and ashamed of. Our shadow will always be a part of us, but we have the power to control the amount of darkness it casts. 

This is the story of my experience with Thorn and Sage Shadow Work Journal.

Day 1:

 I went into this experience with the overconfidence of someone who was self-proclaimed as well-versed in spirituality. I was quickly humbled by the level of depth, and self-reflection that these prompts required. I expected to get through the first page of questions within the day.

 I failed.

Managing only to get through questions 1-10 before fleeing into the safe arms of my unquestioning bedroom. Leaving my abandoned tablet to anticipate my defeated return, while it waited on the dining room table. Proudly and brightly displaying the prompts I wrongly assumed to be elementary. 

The online journals illuminating light seemingly taunted and teased me for underestimating its capabilities. The entries called upon the resurrection of memories I thought to have previously perished. 

Day 2:

I got to work.

I knew what to expect and prepared myself for the journal's mighty strength. I entered battle armed with vulnerability and a shiny box of tissues.

I read over the 13th page, this passage was an artistically creative section. Ascetically outlining and breaking down a shadow trait of my choosing. I chose to focus on how I sometimes feel like a burden. 

I sat with myself and willed my soul to answer the questions.

The journal prompted me with questions like-

How does this trait manifest?

Earliest memory of this trait?

A recent memory that relates?

I took my time with these entries, not allowing myself to hastily brush past that which triggered me. It took me about an hour to answer all three. After I won the great battle of Melody vs Journal, I laid my gaze on the worn battlefield. I stared at tired scratch paper defiled by my drained pen. 

The journal called for bloodshed in the form of ink spread. Each drop signified my willingness to sacrifice comfort for growth. I thank Jessica owner of Thorn and Sage, for giving me the opportunity to fight for myself. Giving me the ability to go to war fighting tirelessly for self-love. Jessica gave me a gift that rings irreplaceable.

Day 3:

This day was my time to utilize the reflection portion of the journal. Urging me to ponder what my emotions make me feel about myself. Jessica carefully crafts questions that evoke emotional responses.

 I used this day to imagine the totality of my past. I pictured who I was. Who I was becoming before adulting and the burdens of age. I imagined the little girl who smiled before and after she spoke. 

I felt her touch and apologized for what I would one day put her through. I imagined her looking at me with gleaming innocent eyes. My younger self forgave the woman I am today. 

I forgave myself.

I closed the book.

I turned off my tablet, climbing into bed with the satisfaction that I would stride into day 4.

To anyone who may want to heal their inner child, grow spiritually, or simply cry their eyes out.

I sincerely recommend Thorn and Sage Shadow Work Journal.

All About Jessica (Owner of Thorn and Sage)-

Who is Jessica?


Solitary witch



What are her passions?


Jessica has been practicing her spiritual craft for over 18 years. 

It is her intention to assist witches on their journeys, as well as share her knowledge of magic and spirituality. 

Jessicas life is full of magic and she loves it that way.


Her Etsy journey-


Creating her Etsy shop was the result of her wanting to share her gift, craft, and the tools she uses in her practice with others.

Jessica is a sharer of knowledge and resources, believing that we are all in this together. In addition to journals, book of shadow and grimoire pages, herbs, spell kits, and home décor, Jessica also offers a variety of other products. It takes a lot of time and effort for her to create the many things she makes.



A note from Jessica Herself!


“I love what I am creating in my own life and hope that my products inspire you to live authentically and unapologetically in yours. I am always open to creating custom products so feel free to reach out with any ideas or questions that you may have. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer!”


Other products by Jessica!











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